
About us

We bring together people who share love for God and for His Word

Slovak Bible Society is a citizens organisation established in 1990 in Bratislava.


The Slovak Biblical Society started its activity on November 26th, 1990, building on the work of the Institute of Bible Enthusiasts (Institutum Philo-Biblicum) – the Hungarian Bible Society, founded in 1811 in Bratislava. The Institute of Bible Enthusiasts was the first Bible society in Central Europe and one of the earliest Bible societies in the world, even before the Bible societies in the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and North America were founded.

In 1949 the Czechoslovak Bible Society was founded. However, under the pressure of political change it was short-lived; its activity was forcibly halted on January 31st, 1953.

Only in 1990 it was possible to establish autonomous Bible societies in Slovakia (Slovak Bible Society) as well as in the Czech Republic (Czech Bible Society), respectively.


The mission of the Slovak Bible Society is to spread the Word of God in Slovak and other languages.


  • Facilitating and supporting Bible translations into Slovak and other languages.
  • Publishing and spreading biblical literature and Bible study aids.
  • Supporting cross-border co-operation in translating the Bible (so-called ecumenical translations).
  • Implementing of projects to bring God's Word to specific populations, e.g. blind, poor, school children, youth, Roma minorities and others (list of current projects).
  • Providing the text of the Scripture in the mother tongue of national minorities and foreigners living in Slovakia.


Everyone who wishes to participate in the activities of SBS can become its member, be it an individual Christian, a Christian denomination or a Christian organisation.

How to become our member?


The Slovak Bible Society is part of the United Bible Societies (UBS) family, which unites non-profit organisations in more than 200 countries. It co-operates with twelve member Christian churches in Slovakia, namely (in alphabetical order):



PROCHÁZKA, Pavel. Kapitoly z ekumeniky. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, 2006.

KOŠTIAL, Rudolf. Biblia u nás. Bratislava: Tranoscius, 1989.